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Air Pollution: How air pollution can trigger heart issues in young adults | – Times of India

Air Pollution: How air pollution can trigger heart issues in young adults | – Times of India

Air pollution is becoming a more urgent global concern, affecting millions of people across all demographics. It comes along with deadly consequences that are likely to impact a person’s health, causing severe lung and heart diseases. While there is a strong belief that older people are more susceptible to serious health issues, new research and studies have shown that young individuals are also at risk, particularly concerning cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide and this makes this a serious health concern that needs to be looked after.
Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Diseases: The Rising Concern Among Youngsters
It is well known that air pollution can cause severe health issues, but it has only been in recent years that the magnitude of this problem has been recognised. Particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds are among the dangerous components that make up air pollution. These pollutants come from a variety of sources including industrial procedures, construction sites, vehicle emissions, and natural disasters like wildfires. Severe heart issues such as stroke and hypertension are no longer confined to older people. These severe heart issues are now affecting young individuals.
Heart Issues in Young Adults: Causes and Reasons
Heart Rate and Rhythm: Air pollution has a negative impact on a person’s heart. Many studies have stated that there are pollutants in the air that can affect a person’s heart rate, eventually increasing the risk of other heart diseases. An increased exposure to bad air can negatively impact heart rate and rhythm. The heart muscle can be directly affected by pollution in the air. Heart failure can eventually be caused by reduced efficiency and blockage of the arteries.
Lifestyle and Heightened Exposure: Many young adults lead an active social lifestyle, making them more susceptible to air pollution. Leading a life that requires constantly being on the go exposes a person to an extremely polluted environment. Young adults are often drawn to urban areas that have greater pollution levels for social, professional, and educational purposes. This exposure, especially during peak traffic areas, places young adults at a greater risk of developing heart diseases.

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Hypertension: Young people who are exposed to more air pollution than others are front of the line to be at risk for ‘high blood pressure’ and ‘hypertension.’ Studies have explored the link between pollution and AQI levels and a heightened blood pressure status. It is a serious health issue that can lead to other co-morbidities and heart issues.
Protective Measures and Strategies
– It is necessary to educate young adults of the dangers of air pollution. Proactive messaging of health measures can arm people with the knowledge to take good care of their health.
– There has been an urgent need for awareness initiatives and these initiatives can include tips for reducing exposure, such as staying indoors during high pollution days.
– Regular health monitoring is also a necessity these days. Young individuals should be encouraged to undergo a regular health examination that includes heart health evaluation. Hypertension and other heart conditions can severely damage one’s health, and early detection of these issues can lead to timely interventions and better results.
Air pollution is a serious and often overlooked threat to the heart health of young adults. Understanding the link between air quality and heart health is important for developing effective public health strategies and promoting a healthier and sustainable future for young individuals.

(Author: Dr Ravinder Singh Rao, MD DM FACC, Interventional Structural Cardiologist)

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