Home Life Style Are you truly a genuine person? – Times of India

Are you truly a genuine person? – Times of India

Are you truly a genuine person? – Times of India

Being an authentic person in life is one of the greatest valued traits of humanity. It’s all about being morally correct, being and doing good to others, being true to yourself, and being a positive role model for the world around you. For cultivating authenticity in your life and relationships, here are various aspects to follow in life such as:
To be a role model of authenticity, you need to have an in-depth knowledge about yourself – your thoughts, actions, expressions, ideas, etc.You can’t be true to yourself until you know who you are. Every night, give at least half an hour to yourself to understand yourself, such as what emotions are you feeling and what matters most to you in life – is it empathy, compassion, justice or equality? When you make a conscious effort to know about yourself, you will get better aligned with your thoughts and make decisions in a balanced way.

Honesty – the best policy
Staying truthful is the key to developing trust with others and with oneself. You have to present your true picture, embracing both your flaws and strengths. Don’t wear any sort of mask to seek the approval of others or in the fear of being judged. To build strong relationships, you need to be honest and transparent. People appreciate those individuals who portray their real personalities. If you become a people pleaser, you end up drifting away from your authentic self.
To error is human but to accept your mistake and make amends is what makes you an authentic person. If you feel you have intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone, be ready to apologize and make amendments whenever needed.


Limit social comparison
Comparing ourselves with others is what compromises authenticity. Make your focus stable on your growth, rather than comparing your progress with others. Also, stop being a puppet image of what social media makes you believe about an authentic personality. They are mostly unrealistic and unauthentic.
One sign of an authentic person is striving to be a better version of oneself. It doesn’t mean learning new skills, rather it means practicing being more patient, compassionate, or emotional. To be able to control your emotions in both hard and good times is self-improvement. Learning is an ongoing process. Be proactive in learning about the world and people around you.

Embracing vulnerability

Embracing vulnerability
For an authentic personality, vulnerability is a must which requires acceptance of imperfections and not being ashamed of embracing your flaws. You need to understand the fact that nobody is perfect. When you own up to your mistakes, you rather build a stronger relationship with others. Practice total expression of your emotions, may it be anger, sadness, happiness frustration, etc.

A genuine person

And so, becoming an authentic person is not just a list of things, rather it’s an ongoing journey of self-awareness and growth. Good people need not be perfect, rather be more genuine and trustworthy.
Contributed by Honey Gudh

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