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Sitting in AC for too long? 5 risks of extended air conditioner exposure – Times of India

Sitting in AC for too long? 5 risks of extended air conditioner exposure – Times of India

As parts of the country experience a shift in temperature, many areas continue to face hot weather, with temperatures reaching 40-45 degrees Celsius. The increased reliance on air conditioners (ACs) to combat the intense heat is notable. However, prolonged use of ACs may have several adverse effects on health.
Air conditioners lower both heat and humidity, providing relief from scorching weather and excessive sweating.However, excessive use can lead to the loss of moisture from the skin, hair, nose, and throat. This dryness affects the mucus membranes, reducing their protective ability against bacteria and viruses. Spending substantial time in air-conditioned spaces can result in conditions like colds, coughs, and lower immunity.
Moreover, long hours in AC rooms can cause lethargy and dehydration. Regular breaks from AC use can help prevent the air from becoming excessively dry.
Dry eyes, lethargy, dehydration, dry or itchy skin, headaches, respiratory issues, allergies and asthma, noise pollution, infectious diseases, and indoor pollutants are among the common health concerns associated with prolonged exposure to air conditioning.
According to Dr. Dharmesh Patel, Consultant Pulmonologist at Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat, “Not well-serviced air conditioning systems are a health hazard for people who stay for long hours under conditions of air conditioning. Patients’ complaints suggest that there is a problem of difficulty in breathing for most patients for several minutes after coming indoors, and/or sneezing minutes after going indoors, only getting relief after going out. This is evidence that staying indoors under air conditioning, in the presence of other airborne allergens, can take a toll on an individual’s respiratory health. It is necessary to maintain both the AC system and the vicinity in order to enhance well-being.”

Prolonged AC use can lead to:

Dry Skin: Reduced moisture in the air can cause the skin to feel flaky and itchy.
Dry Eyes: Those with existing dry eye issues may experience worsened symptoms.
Decreased Oil Production: Less sweating can result in dull, dehydrated skin.
Skin Disorders: Conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis may worsen.
Premature Aging: Dry skin loses elasticity, leading to early wrinkles.
Hair Damage: Natural oils that protect hair are stripped away, making hair brittle.
Allergies and Infections: AC systems can spread allergens like dust, pollen, and mold, leading to rashes and allergies.
Additionally, dehydration is more common in air-conditioned rooms. Staying hydrated and taking regular breaks from AC use are essential for maintaining healthy skin and eyes.
The elimination of pollutants and contamination in air conditioning units is highly required to avoid cases of respiratory diseases. One should try to prevent the accumulation of filters and dirt in the components, as this lowers efficiency and poses health risks. Additionally, the water discharge outlets need to be maintained to ensure there is no dampness in the AC unit or in the walls, which encourages the formation of fungi that negatively impact the lungs.

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