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5 psychology tips to be more mature in life and relationships

5 psychology tips to be more mature in life and relationships

“Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one, people ruin beautiful things.”
― Kahlil Gibran.
While Kahlil Gibran said this decades ago, his wise words stand true even today. So, stop telling others everything about yourself and your goals or plans as most people don’t care, and some others might secretly want you to fail. After all, not everyone wishes well for you. And research at NYU, led by Peter Gollwitzer, has also proved this! According to the study, students who revealed their goals even before working on them were more likely to fail than those who didn’t discuss their goals and plans with others. The reason is that people who speak about their plans get a false sense of achievement, even before working on their goals– and this leads to their failure.

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