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Workplace Wellness: How employers can promote mental health and reduce stress-related risks – Times of India

Workplace Wellness: How employers can promote mental health and reduce stress-related risks – Times of India

“As the societies have evolved, so have the stressors and this has resulted in a very different set of problems being faced by employees of today. India is experiencing several unfortunate events where employees are succumbing to a toxic mix of extreme stress both at workplace and beyond,” says Jitin Bhasin, CEO and Founder, SaveIN. In this article, he writes about how employers can promote better mental health at their workplace and reduce stress-related risks for their employees.
He adds, the stark reality of today’s fast paced, ever connected world with relentless pressure to meet targets and stiff deadlines is taking a toll on the physical and mental well-being of employees and thereby their productivities at work. Data also shows that there is a worrying correlation between chronic workplace stress and rising incidents of health-related complications causing premature deaths.
As this issue assumes greater importance, it is critical to assess the deep impact of workplace stress on an employee’s health and the need for organizations to prioritize mental wellness. While a set of companies in India offer corporate health insurance to their employees, it is no longer enough to offer only hospitalization coverage; the focus needs to be on preventive care, elective treatments, work-life balance, and overall wellness programs with inbuilt response mechanisms to deal with emergency situations.
To build effective wellness programs that would be relevant for today, companies should start by listing comprehensive health initiatives that can be undertaken commensurate to resources that can be allocated. These programs should be well-planned, with dedicated teams and must involve the managerial and leadership teams along with HR function, to ensure they are both sustainable and impactful.

work stress

A wellness program designed for the needs of today should go beyond hospitalization coverage and must address day-to-day well-being, including physical fitness, mental health, preventive check-ups and elective treatments. It has been observed that including health and wellness as a Key Performance Indicator within an employee’s performance assessment, along with offering incentives for fitness goals, encouraging planned vacations, and promoting healthy work habits can go a long way in making wellness a mainstream subject in an organization. Encouraging walking meetings, team activities, healthy food options, and support for families like daycare or elder care services can also be significant additions to wellness programs.
Employees face enhanced stress on account of business targets, personal challenges, long commutes, constant digital connectivity, and sedentary lifestyles. Organizations and managers can make a significant difference by setting realistic goals, holding periodic discussions and performance improvement exercise, offering structured breaks, and career planning sessions. A hybrid work system, that balances on-site and work from home can also be a great way to enable employees to manage work and life commitments. Additionally, there are new age AI-based tools which can be used to monitor employee well-being and providing access to professional counsellors where needed.
In the event of an unforeseen event, safety protocols also become equally important; employers should establish emergency plans, install first aid kits and defibrillators, and train staff to handle health emergencies such as heart attacks or strokes.
It is important for the leadership teams to realize that promoting a culture of health and fitness is a constant commitment that needs to be led by the those in the capacity to influence change. By focusing on these areas, companies can create a healthier workplace with highly productive and happy workforce.
Prioritizing employee health may seem difficult and expensive in the near term, but has a compounding impact in the medium to long term and it is time that India Inc. embraces this fact and makes a step in the right direction.

5 tips to handle stress at work

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