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5 reasons why parents should read to their kids daily – Times of India

5 reasons why parents should read to their kids daily – Times of India

There are some very useful habits that all parents should encourage their kids to adopt. One of such habits is reading. Reading to your kids every day is one of such habits that are impactful activities you can do as a parent. It’s not just about enjoying a story together; it’s about laying a foundation for their future. Here’s why making reading a daily habit is necessary for your child’s development

Catch a sense of the basics

Parents expose their children to language from the minute they begin reading to them.They learn the fundamentals of communication with the help of the rhythm of the voice and the emphasis that parents put on different words. Their comprehension of phonetics, pronunciation, and language structures all improve when they hear stories. For toddlers and preschoolers, this exposure is extremely important because it lays the foundation for their future reading abilities.

Widens the horizon of vocabulary

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A wide range of words is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give their child. This can be possible through reading. When they read a variety of novels, they come across fresh words that they might not hear in regular discussions. Their language skills will only grow with this everyday exposure. With an expanded vocabulary, a child may express themselves better, leading to better communication skills in the long run.

Develop the habit of learning

Reading regularly from an early age creates a lifetime love of learning. Children learn to respect learning and research when they view reading as a daily activity. A world of ideas and concepts that spark curiosity can be discovered by everyday reading, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, or even comic books. This learning behaviour can carry over into school and beyond, developing in children a constant search for information.

Best parents have these great qualities

Will learn how to ask questions

Parents may help their children develop critical thinking skills and spark their imagination by reading to them. Motivate kids to ask questions while you tell them stories. “Why did the character act in that way?” or “What do you think is coming next?” This exercise improves their understanding abilities while simultaneously encouraging creativity.

Improves memory

Did you know that reading to your child on a regular basis can help improve their memory? As they learn about the story, they have to jog their memory by having to recall plots, characters, and events. This can be particularly helpful for developing minds because it allows them to concentrate better and retain information better. This increase in focus and memory is a huge benefit for their academic career.

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