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Deadly battle with AhiRavan: Why ghosts and negative energies are afraid of lord hanuman

Deadly battle with AhiRavan: Why ghosts and negative energies are afraid of lord hanuman

As the war between Lord Ram’s army and Ravan’s went on, at multiple points Ravan was on the verge of defeat. Seeing this, Ahiravan wanted to intervene and help his brother win. And so, as Hanuman was protecting Lord Ram and Lakshman’s tent, Ahiravan converted himself into Vibhishan, to trick Hanuman and others, and went into the tent without any worries or questions. As the war stopped during nighttime, Ahiravan went to Lord Ram and Lakshman’s space and abducted them without making a sound. He took them to his underground kingdom in Patal Lok, where he planned to sacrifice both brothers to the goddess Mahamaya as part of a ritual.In a few hours, Lord Hanuman realised that both Lord Ram and Lakshman were missing, and he immediately sensed the trouble they were in. He quickly went to Vibhishana, narrated the story, and Vobhishana then told Lord Hanuman about Ahiravan’s tricks. Filled with rage, Lord Hanuman set out to rescue Lord Ram and Lakshman from the underworld.

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