Home Life Style Hacks to glow at a New Year party in mere 4 steps...

Hacks to glow at a New Year party in mere 4 steps – Times of India

Hacks to glow at a New Year party in mere 4 steps – Times of India

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The end of 2024 would call upon tons of New Year parties and gatherings. It is the perfect time for you to start with your skincare routine which will leave you with naturally glowing skin. Whether you need to attend a party with your girls or go to a family gathering with your family, a radiant appearance always becomes the talk of the town. It is the most perfect holiday cheer you will get. Therefore, let’s unwrap some secrets and hacks that you can follow before entering your party for an all-radiant glow.
Get proper beauty sleep and slap your face with ice-cold water
Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep as it helps you achieve a radiant complexion and reduce the puffiness of your face as well. As our skin goes into sleep, it enters the space for repair, therefore 7-8 hours of sleep is a must. Now, if you oversleep and somehow end up with puffy eyes, then dip your face in an ice-water bowl, and take 4-5 dips first thing in the morning to get a stunning glow.

Girls with glowing makeup skin

(Image Credits: Pinterest)

Use a face mask
Always wear a face mask according to your skin type before going out for party business. Face masks give an extra dose of hydration and reduce the appearance of pores, give your skin a healthy glow, and can also make your face look more chiseled, rather than puffy. If you have oily skin then choose a gel mask, but if you’re dealing with sensitive, mature, and dry skin, then opt for a hydrating mask.

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Follow your skincare religiously
Never take your skincare as a joke. Start off with a gentle cleanser, top it off with a hydrating toner, move onto a skin repair serum, and seal the deal with a fine-lightweight moisturiser, that would bar the makeup from entering into your pores. You will also need to put on a patch of sunscreen to keep your skin shielded from UV rays and free radicals.

Glowing party skin

(Image Credits: Pinterest)

Work it off with shiny spray oils

After you’re done with your intense skincare and fine makeup, work on your foundation, concealer, and bronzer sticks to get a flawless base, and then add on a slight punch of highlighter. Neatly contour your face to get a chiseled finish, and then seal the deal with a hint of shiny and sparkling spray oil over your face and collar bones to get glowing skin via makeup, and a natural radiating show because of your holy skincare routine.

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