Radhika Merchant, the new Ambani bahu, was recently spotted visiting the Shrinathji Temple in Nathdwara with her parents. Known for her impeccable fashion sense, Radhika left her usual couture and luxury jewels behind, opting for a simpler yet strikingly elegant look for the spiritual occasion.
The pictures and videos of Radhika from the temple visit have been making waves online, showcasing her radiant presence. Dressed in a regal rani pink anarkali suit, Radhika effortlessly blended traditional charm with understated sophistication, proving that simplicity can be just as impactful as opulence.
Her anarkali suit stood out for its intricate detailing. The outfit featured long, flowing sleeves and a split crew neckline, both adorned with heavy golden embroidery and delicate zari work along the borders. The white leheriya print added a subtle contrast to the vibrant pink, enhancing the ensemble’s traditional aesthetic. The fine craftsmanship, especially around the neckline and sleeve edges, lent an air of royalty to her look. She paired the kurta with matching salwar pants, completing the coordinated outfit.
Radhika kept her accessories minimal yet refined, opting for diamond stud earrings and a statement ring that added a touch of glamour without overpowering her ethnic attire. Her makeup was soft and radiant—nude eyeshadow, mascara-coated lashes, winged eyeliner, flushed cheeks, a glowing highlighter, and a pink lipstick shade perfectly complemented her outfit. A small pink bindi on her forehead added a quintessentially ethnic touch, enhancing her overall grace.
Her hair was styled in soft curls, left loose with a middle partition, adding an effortlessly elegant vibe to her look.
Radhika’s visit to the Shrinathji Temple highlighted her ability to balance tradition with contemporary style. Her minimalist yet graceful appearance continues to captivate fans and prove her status as a true fashion icon in the making.