Apple has officially rolled out its Apple Store app in India, bringing a more convenient and personalised way for customers to shop for Apple products and services. Available for download on the App Store, the app aims to simplify the shopping experience across the country, allowing users to purchase directly from Apple with customised recommendations to enhance their experience.
Apple Store App: Key Features and Details
The Apple Store app provides an intuitive, dynamic interface with multiple features designed to cater to various shopping preferences. The Products Tab introduces users to the latest Apple products, including accessories and services. It also highlights Apple Trade-In and financing options to help users make informed decisions.
For a more personalised experience, the For You Tab offers tailored suggestions based on user behaviour and preferences. It also displays saved items for easy access, ensuring users can quickly find products they are interested in. Meanwhile, the Go Further Tab connects customers with Apple Specialists for online setup sessions, provides tips through short videos, and offers registration for free “Today at Apple” sessions available at local stores.
Customisation and Delivery Options
Customisation options are a key highlight of the app. Users can engrave their Apple devices such as Macs, AirPods, iPads, Apple Pencils, and AirTags with emojis, names, initials, and numbers in eight languages. Soon, customers will also be able to personalise their orders with digital gift messages.
The app also streamlines delivery and pickup choices. Users can select from various options for receiving their products quickly and conveniently. This move follows Apple’s ongoing retail expansion in India, with plans for more stores in Bengaluru, Pune, Delhi-NCR, and Mumbai. The tech giant opened its first two retail outlets in Delhi and Mumbai in April 2023.
“At Apple, our customer is at the centre of everything we do, and we are thrilled to introduce the Apple Store app to reach even more users in India, further deepening our connections,” said Karen Rasmussen, Apple’s head of Retail Online. “With the Apple Store app, customers will discover a new and seamless way to shop for all our incredible products, receive personalised support, and truly experience the best of Apple.”