Home Life Style 5 things to never accept in a temple (except from a priest)

5 things to never accept in a temple (except from a priest)

5 things to never accept in a temple (except from a priest)

Temples have forever been the powerhouses of energy. They are divine, pure, holy, and of course, are the homes to Gods and Goddesses who look at the entire universe. And in these temples, some objects are common offerings. Coconuts, flowers, Kumkum, sacred threads, and so much more have always been offered by people to the Gods and distributed among others.
But unfortunately, some people are now playing with devotees’ feelings and share with them impure, and at times, with an evil intent these very same offered things. And as unfortunate as it may sound, it is no longer harmless to accept things from strangers even in the holy temples. Here we mention 5 things that are best not accepted from unknown people.

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