Bollywood is celebrating India’s most iconic fashion designer, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, as he marks 25 years in the fashion world. Recognized globally as one of the most respected and renowned designers, Sabyasachi hosted an elegant and fashionable runway show in Mumbai, featuring A-list B-town divas like Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Sonam Kapoor, and more. Let’s take a closer look at Alia Bhatt’s sensual yet elegant ensemble from the event, which solidified her as the perfect 2024 Met Gala muse for Sabyasachi.
Maintaining the ‘Strictly Black’ dress code for the eve, Alia donned an original Sabya saree and cast a spell in black silk. She opted for a black Murshidabad silk saree with a monochrome touch featuring sunning fluid flows that looked iconic and made Alia, the queen of the moment. However, her micro bejewelled golden blouse stole the show and was hand painted with appliques, and had semi-precious stones, tea-dyed crystal, tinted sequins, metallic accents, and hand-cut sequins.
(Image Credits: Instagram)
The super-shot crop blouse came with an almost backless curve, deep U-neckline and featured broad straps, and was a definite hit. The silk saree looked timeless on her, however the blouse brought in the versatility of the look. Stealing the show in just a fragment of seconds with a glance of gold, the blouse added a quirky charm to the flowing saree and uplifted the whole ethnic look.
Alia kept the accessory show minimal and brought in chic drama with long golden and silver painted dangling earrings, while she ditched the necklace and bracelet show. For makeup, she kept her base glowing with a dewy touch and added heavy strokes of highlighter, blended perfectly with a hint of pink blush.
(Image Credits: Instagram)
She further opted for dark-kohled eyes and a muted-tone eyeshadow finish, she opted for a nude shade lipstick and sealed the deal with a small black bindi. Keeping a neat high-bun with soft-painted curls at the front, Alia gave all the right reasons to be the designer’s favourite muse of all times.