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Leaves, branches, roots: 3 types of friends one has in life, which one are you? – The Times of India

Leaves, branches, roots: 3 types of friends one has in life, which one are you? – The Times of India

While we can’t choose our family, we can surely choose our friends. They are the ones who guide us, shape us, and influence us the most. Friends play a huge part in one’s life, and so it is aptly said that our company defines us. However, not all friends are our well-wishers or the ones who’ll help us in our time of need. Most of our friends aren’t really our friends. In a recent podcast by Dr Rangan Chatterjee with Sahil Bloom on social media, the latter explained that one generally has three types of friends in a lifetime, mainly– the leaves, branches, and roots.
Elaborating the concept of leaves, branches, and roots in friendships, Sahil Bloom further said, “Leaves are seasonal friends. They’re just along the ride when it’s fun, convenient, or valuable; but as soon as the storm comes they fall.”
He added, “The branches are somewhere in between. They are sort of there but you can’t lean on them too heavily. You can’t put too much weight on them as they might break off.”
And last but not the least are the friends who act like roots to trees. “But the roots are those darkest hour friends. The roots are the people who are there for you through summers, winters, and falls. and across all of these seasons of life they are grounded. They are deep, they are drenched. Your real friends are the ones who are there for you when you have nothing to offer in return. When you’re down and out. When you are in the mud. When the world has collapsed on you. When you are bankrupt. When you are arrested; when the business fails. When your partner breaks up with you. Those are your darkest hour friends,” he shared.
So find one who acts as a root in your friendship, cherish them, and be one to someone else!
And isn’t it true– while some friends are there with us only till the good times last, a handful of others stand by us like rock. Can you segregate your friends in each of these categories? Tell us about it in the comments section below.
Also, which type of friends are you to others? Do pause, reflect, and think about it too.

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