Home Life Style 5 Japanese eating habits one should adopt to never gain excess weight...

5 Japanese eating habits one should adopt to never gain excess weight | – The Times of India

5 Japanese eating habits one should adopt to never gain excess weight | – The Times of India

Japan is known for having one of the longest life expectancies in the world, and their eating habits might be the reason for maintaining a healthy weight and overall wellness. Adopting a few of these Japanese eating techniques can help us take control of our health, avoid excess weight gain, and feel more energised. The following are 5 Japanese eating habits that anyone can adopt to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

The 80% rule (Hara Hachi Bu)

One of the most famous Japanese eating habits is the practice of eating until you are 80% full, known as Hara Hachi Bu. It’s all about stopping before we feel stuffed or overly full. This habit encourages mindful eating, allowing our body to properly signal when it’s had enough. By adopting this simple habit, we prevent overeating and give our digestive system a chance to process food efficiently, avoiding the sluggishness that often comes from overindulgence.

How to practice Hara Hachi Bu?

<p><br><br>Using smaller plates and bowls can visually trick the mind into perceiving smaller portions as sufficient, supporting the practice of Hara Hachi Bu.<br><br><br></p>

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How to adopt it:

  1. Slow down while eating and pay attention when you feel satisfied (Do not have any distractions like watching something on the mobile phone).
  2. Use smaller plates to naturally control portion sizes.
  3. Leave a little bit of food on your plate as a reminder that you’re eating mindfully.

Balanced, smaller meals throughout the day

Rather than sticking to three large meals, Japanese meals are typically smaller and more balanced. The traditional Japanese diet is full of nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fish, and rice, all of which provide a balanced intake of protein, carbs, and healthy fats. Eating smaller meals throughout the day helps stabilise blood sugar levels and curbs hunger, making it easier to avoid overeating.

Balanced Meal, Healthy Choice

A colorful, nutritious and balanced meal.

How to adopt it:

  1. Break your meals into smaller portions spread out throughout the day. Like, eat small portions with a gap of 2 hours between meals.
  2. Include a variety of vegetables, lean proteins (like fish), and whole grains at each meal.
  3. Focus on getting enough nutrients, not just calories.

What power do fermented foods have

Fermented foods like miso, pickles, and natto (fermented soybeans) are an everyday food in Japanese cuisine. These foods are packed with probiotics, which promote a healthy gut microbiome. A healthy gut plays a huge role in regulating metabolism and preventing weight gain, as well as improving digestion.

fermented food 2

How to adopt it:

  1. Start with miso soup or add fermented food to our meals. The best options one can get it, Idli, Dosa, and Dhokla.
  2. Try adding more probiotic-rich foods to your diet, such as curd, for the same benefits.

Ikigai approach

The Japanese philosophy of Ikigai, which refers to finding purpose in life, can also be applied to eating. Japanese people tend to be very mindful when they eat, appreciating every bite and focusing on the food in front of them. Eating without distractions like TV or smartphones helps them better recognise when they are satisfied, preventing overeating. This practice leads to better digestion and weight control.


How to adopt it:

  1. Avoid eating in front of the TV or while scrolling through your phone.
  2. Focus on the flavours and textures of the food that you are eating.
  3. Take smaller bites and chew thoroughly, allowing your body to feel when it’s had enough.

Eat seasonal, fresh foods

Japanese diets prioritise fresh, seasonal produce, which not only makes meals more flavourful but also healthier. Seasonal foods are usually locally sourced and packed with nutrients, helping the body thrive. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables based on the season ensures you’re getting the right nutrients your body needs, which can prevent cravings for processed and unhealthy foods.

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How to adopt it:

  1. First, we need to understand which fruits and vegetables are seasonal. This would help us eat fresh produce rather than any fertiliser and pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables.
  2. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables at the local market or grocery store.
  3. Experiment with new recipes based on the season’s offerings.
  4. Focus on eating a wide range of colourful, plant-based foods to keep your meals interesting and healthy.

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