Home Life Style ​7 morning exercises to reduce stiff shoulder pain​

​7 morning exercises to reduce stiff shoulder pain​

​7 morning exercises to reduce stiff shoulder pain​

Downward Dog is one of the most commonly practiced asanas in yoga, targeting the shoulders, back, hamstrings, and calves to stretch the whole body. This helps one lengthen and relax, making it a good practice for morning stiffness.
Start in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor.
Tuck your toes and slowly lift your hips towards the ceiling, straightening your legs and forming an inverted V shape.
Press your hands into the floor, spreading your fingers wide, and let your head hang down between your arms.

Hold the position for 20–30 seconds, breathing deeply and focusing on relaxing your shoulders and back.

For an extra stretch, try pedaling your feet to alternate bending each leg, deepening the stretch in the hamstrings and calves.

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