Home Tech Here are the best sources for copyright-free stock images (2025)

Here are the best sources for copyright-free stock images (2025)

Here are the best sources for copyright-free stock images (2025)

We all need copyright-free stock images from time to time, whether for blogging, making a presentation, or other creative projects. And of course, you need them for journalistic works, too. However, finding truly copyright-free images can sometimes be a challenge. It can also become tedious if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately, there are several reliable sources that offer high-quality stock images, which you can even use.

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1. Unsplash

Unsplash has been a popular platform for downloading high-quality photos. It features a simple UI and offers a vast selection of images to choose from. However, it’s worth noting that many people tend to use Unsplash images, so there’s a chance that the image you select for your work may already be in use elsewhere.

2. Pixabay

Pixabay is another excellent source for free images. It offers a wide range of photos and even free videos. There are multiple categories to choose from, including travel, nature, and seasonal themes like Valentine’s Day. Additionally, Pixabay also provides music and sound effects, which may be useful for your projects.

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3. Pexels

Just like Pixabay, Pexels is also a great source for free stock photos shared by creators. The platform offers both photos and videos, and the website interface is user-friendly, with a search bar prominently displayed, making it easy to find a wide range of images. There’s also an option to directly edit photos in Canva, making it convenient.

4. Bonus Tip

If you don’t want to rely on stock image websites, you can now use generative AI to create your own images. We recommend trying AI tools like Grok (by xAI), ChatGPT, or Microsoft Copilot.To get the best results, ensure that you provide detailed prompts that clearly describe what you want.

Note: Be sure to follow the sharing instructions provided by the source. If a photo requires you to credit the original creator, do so to avoid any potential issues in the future. Also, read the license terms diligently.

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