Home Life Style This underwater animal has the most powerful punch – Times of India

This underwater animal has the most powerful punch – Times of India

This underwater animal has the most powerful punch – Times of India

Mantis shrimp are one of the most fascinating creatures of the marine world. These shrimps are well known not only for their vibrant colors but also for their incredibly powerful punch. The average size of a mantis shrimp is 10 cm (3.9 in) in length, but this tiny creature can deliver a punch with the force equivalent to a .22-caliber bullet. Hence it should not come as a surprise that the mantis shrimp is often referred to as one of nature’s deadliest boxers.
How do they pack such a strong punch?
The secret of the shrimp’s legendary punch lies in its highly specialized appendages, known as raptorial claws.Based on their punches there are mainly two types of mantis shrimp: “smashers” and “spearers.” Smashers have appendages that are designed to quash hard-shelled prey like crabs, snails, and clams. While on the other hand, “spearers” have jointed appendages that are designed to puncture soft-bodied prey such as fish. However, both rely on the same mechanics to strike their punch.
The body of the shrimp has a spring loaded mechanism that stores intense energy. When the shrimp prepares to impact, the mantis’s muscles contract, compressing a saddle-shaped structure in the raptorial claw. This mechanism is similar to a bow being drawn or a catapult being loaded, just before striking. When the energy is released, the claw accelerates at lightning speed which can reach up to 50 miles per hour.


The punch is so swift that it results in the production of cavitation bubbles in the water. This bubble creates an additional heat and pressure, essentially acting as another punch. In a matter of milliseconds, a mantis’ punch can strike with a force of over 1,500 newtons in just milliseconds. This force is enough to crack open tough shells or shatter aquarium glass. This has made them quite infamous amongst people who wanted to keep them in captivity. The punch is both an offensive and a defensive tool, if faced with threat it can ward off the potential enemies with their punch.


Aside from its punch, the mantis shrimp is also known for its remarkable vision. The mantis shrimp has one of the most complex eye systems. Equipped with 16 photoreceptors instead of 3 like in humans, they are capable of seeing polarized light and a spectrum of colors far beyond what humans can perceive. This allows them to detect ultraviolet light and differentiate between various wavelengths of light with clear precision.

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