Home Life Style Inspiration for kids: The story of Pinki Haryan-from begging on the streets...

Inspiration for kids: The story of Pinki Haryan-from begging on the streets to becoming a doctor – Times of India

Inspiration for kids: The story of Pinki Haryan-from begging on the streets to becoming a doctor – Times of India

Some tales are more than just tales; they serve as examples of the strength of perseverance and faith. One such tale is the one of Pinki Haryan, a girl who used to beg on the streets of McLeodganj and is now a licensed physician. Her incredible path is nothing short of a reminder of the value of endurance, dedication, and constant support. Pinki’s transformation can give parents important parenting lessons about how to encourage and uplift their kids to follow their dreams, no matter how lofty.
Following are some ways parents can help their children develop the same spirit as Pinki Haryan.

Education holds immense power

Pinki Haryan’s life changed the moment Lobsang Jamyang, a Tibetan monk, saw her begging on the streets and believed in the power of education. Jamyang’s vision for her future began by convincing her hesitant father to let her attend school. His determination set the foundation for her success.
It’s very much important for parents to first understand the life-changing effects of education. Inspiring the kids to learn and showing the opportunities it presents will definitely spark a passion for lifelong development.

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Teach them the value of hard work and patience

Pinki’s journey was never easy. She spent her early years rummaging through trash cans in search of food because she was raised in extreme poverty. Her refusal to let her circumstances define who she was and to give up on her aspirations for herself marked the beginning of her success story. She truly believed that education was fundamental to her success because it showed that with determination and hard work, one can overcome even the most formidable obstacles.
By training their kids to confront challenges head-on, parents can encourage them the same amount of perseverance. Developing in kids the mindset that obstacles are opportunities rather than barriers will help them succeed in the future.

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Support their ambitions, even when they seem impossible

Pinki wasn’t entirely aware of the meaning of her goal to become a doctor when she first said it as a 4-year-old. She went to school, excelled in her classes, and even passed the challenging NEET admission exam for Indian medical programs.
This simply shows the value of motivating kids to pursue their goals, no matter how far-fetched or challenging they may appear. The most important people in supporting children’s aspirations are their parents, and by believing in them, parents may empower their children to pursue seemingly unattainable goals.

Effective tips to improve your parenting skills

Surround your child with positive influences

Several people were instrumental in directing Pinki along her path. Parents need to acknowledge the significance of providing their children with great role models, educators, or community people. The important people who can motivate them to strive for excellence. Positive role models inspire children to set higher goals and put in more effort.

Teach your child the value of giving back

Despite her relentless pursuit of her goal, Pinki never lost sight of the challenges that her community faced. Her background inspired her to pursue a career in medicine so that she could do both, help others in need and achieve her own goals. Her story highlights how important it is to nurture in our children the values of empathy and social responsibility.
Beyond achieving personal goals, a child’s sense of purpose can be broadened by encouraging them to contribute back to society. These experiences—whether they come from volunteering or tiny deeds of kindness—help kids grow into kind, well-rounded people.

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