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5 benefits of avoiding onion and garlic during Navratri | – Times of India

5 benefits of avoiding onion and garlic during Navratri | – Times of India

With Navratri just around the corner, people are getting ready to celebrate for the next nine days. Following certain food guidelines and fasting are part of this celebration. One of these prohibitions is not eating specific foods, especially onions and garlic, which Ayurveda says are tamasic in nature. Here are some health benefits of refraining from these ingredients during this sacred period.

A better sense of digestion

Onions and garlic are nutritious ingredients, but it is also a fact that they can be hard to digest for some individuals, especially those with sensitive digestive systems. They include fructans which are a kind of carbohydrate that some individuals find uncomfortable and bloated. Avoiding these certain meals during Navratri can promote better digestive health. This is especially helpful for people who fast since it gives the digestive system time to relax and heal.
According to a study that was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, cutting back on some difficult-to-digest foods will help lessen gastrointestinal distress feelings, which will facilitate easier digestion and less pain during fasting.

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A better-balanced body temperature

According to Ayurvedic principles, onions and garlic are considered heating foods, which can increase the Pitta dosha—a body energy associated with heat and metabolism. During Navratri, keeping a balanced body temperature is essential especially when fasting. Eating meals that are cooler and lighter helps to regulate the body’s internal heat, improving overall health. Avoiding these strong components may help people feel less prone to heat-related symptoms like skin irritations and inflammatory diseases.

Its effects on mental health

As per Ayurveda, Rajsik foods like onions and garlic are believed to impact one’s mental state by invoking restlessness and distraction. Spiritual practices during Navratri emphasize the need for focus and clarity of mind. Avoiding these foods, practitioners will find it easier to maintain a calm and stable mindset.
Research indicates that dietary choices significantly affect cognitive functions. A study “Nutrition and cognitive health: A life course approach” found that a clean, balanced diet can improve cognitive clarity and focus.

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Helps to maintain ritual purity

In many Hindu traditions, purity is very important during religious festivals, including Navratri. Garlic and onions are seen as impure and are quite often linked to unpleasant smells. Devotees can maintain the spiritual purity required for worship and other ceremonies by avoiding these meals. This idea of purity includes both mental and emotional states in addition to internal cleanliness.

It helps with the betterment of overall health

During Navratri, staying away from onions and garlic can improve general health. Although garlic is well-known for its therapeutic benefits, if taken in excess, its strong antibacterial qualities can upset the delicate balance of good intestinal flora. Having a more healthy gut microbiome is of great importance for immune system maintenance and general wellness.

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